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Apr 28, 2016
6 min

Pembridge A Canadian Leader in Usage Based Insurance Auto Sector

Over the past year, Pembridge Insurance Company has launched their Usage Based Insurance (UBI) program for Ontario and Nova Scotia drivers, in September 2015 and February 2016 respectively. Drawing on the success of the program seen in these provinces, Pembridge will be launching My_BRIDGE in Alberta in May 2016.

What is My_BRIDGE?

My_BRIDGE is a telematics device that tracks data on how a vehicle is driven. The data collected includes the time of day a vehicle is driven, as well as the number of kilometres driven, speed and braking habits. Essentially, it tracks driving behaviours as a way to analyze risk.

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‘’Participation in the My_BRIDGE program empowers drivers by providing them with the opportunity to demonstrate how safely they drive,” Bob Tisdale, President & COO of Pembridge Insurance Company, said. “It also enables drivers to monitor and adapt their driving behaviours based on results provided through an online portal. Ideally, the goal is to improve driving behaviours to create safer roads and provide greater discounts to insureds.”

For those concerned with the cost of their auto insurance policy, “greater discounts to insureds’’ may have been a point of notice from Mr. Tisdale’s above statement. Your insurance premiums are based on a variety of factors, including your provider’s confidence in you as a driver. What better way for them to feel confidence (or not) in your driving ability than by actually tracking it. When you demonstrate good driving, companies are more inclined to give you a discount. Drivers enrolled in the My_BRIDGE program can earn up to a 30% discount off their automobile premiums.

How does My_BRIDGE work?

Step 1: Sign-up

Discuss your eligibility with your broker and enroll in the program. A valid email address is required for enrollment.

Step 2: Install

After accepting the My_BRIDGE agreement (sent via email – must be accepted online) you will receive the device in the mail. Follow the directions to install the device in your vehicle.

Step 3: Drive safely & save money

You will use the device for a six-month period. As mentioned above, the device will collect data relating to mileage, speeds, hours and braking.


You are eligible to enroll in the My_BRIDGE program if you are insured with Pembridge and own a 1998 or newer model vehicle. Exclusions to the program include electric, diesel and hybrid vehicles.


Surex is a Canada-wide insurance provider and a broker for Pembridge Insurance Company. Surex offers auto, home, business, life, travel, farm, ATV/motorcycle, trailer/RV, boat, condo and tenant insurance. For more information, please visit Surex, call 1-855-MYSUREX (1-855-6978739), ‘Like’ us on Facebook ( or Tweet us @surexinsurance

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