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Empowering Consumers: Digital Age Alters Insurance Landscape
Apr 6, 2018
3 min

Empowering Consumers: Digital Age Alters Insurance Landscape

Have you ever made an expensive purchase and had a concern whether you’re getting the best price available to you?! It could be a purchase like a vehicle, sporting equipment, an instrument or a tool.

What about auto and home insurance?! How can you know you’re getting the best price available to you, when every advertisement on TV or online suggests switching to one carrier over another will save you money?!

In this digital age of insurance, you – the consumer – have never been more empowered. Shopping for home and auto insurance is easier, faster and more convenient than it has ever been.

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Benefits of Using a Brokerage

A brokerage is a business that sells goods or assets for a client. Insurance brokerages work on behalf of insurance carriers to place your business with them.

Purchasing insurance through a direct provider, such as a bank, means your market for pricing options is limited, as you’ll get one price per coverage option. Can you get your best insurance price through a bank that offers insurance?! Absolutely. However, unless you’re out shopping the market, you’ll never know if their price is your best price or not.

Insurance brokerages don’t have a vested interest in which of their carriers your business gets placed with. A study on insurance purchasing trends, by eMarketer, found that over 70% of consumers who switch their insurance from one provider to another did so because the price was cheaper. For the majority of insurance shoppers, if a brokerage is able to get them a better price, that shopper will switch their business over. The best brokerages also strive to be on the cutting edge in terms of technology. Check out this article to learn how brokerages are using artificial intelligence.

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Transparency: The Provider of Peace of Mind

‘But what is the actual best price you can get me?’

This is a sentiment shared by many consumers. You want to be sure you’re receiving your best offer, but how do you really know?! Specifically, if you’re skeptical of the broker channel, if all you’re doing is talking with a broker – be it in person or over the phone – how do you know the carrier they’ve quoted you with is the provider of the best offer available you?!

If a brokerage was 100% transparent with you, would that give you peace of mind knowing you’re getting the very best price they can offer you?! Absolutely.

"restless mind and peace of mind signs"


The Surex Advantage

Surex is a Canada-wide online insurance brokerage, offering insurance in six provinces and two territories. Our 100% transparent pricing model means upon completion of an online auto or home insurance quote – which only takes 5-10 minutes – you’ll see which of our 10+ partner insurers are willing to take on your business, and at what price. Again, with pricing being the largest contributor to consumers switching their insurance needs from one carrier to another, your ‘’Get Offers’’ page will have already sorted your prices for you, starting with the best price we can provide you.

As an online brokerage, all you need is an internet connection to accompany your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop, to get a quote at whatever time conveniences you. This has been made possible due to our embracing of technology. Your quote is 100% accurate, based on the information you provide.

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During the online quote process, you’ll be assigned a personal insurance broker. This broker will contact you to verify your quote, making sure you’re taking advantage of all the different discounts available to you.


If you have any questions about the carrier that is your best price, your broker will be able to answer those. You broker can also talk to you about different coverage, deductible and payment options.

The best part about your personal broker?! Because they know your needs so well from setting up your policy, that broker will be your broker throughout your duration with Surex. You’ll have your broker’s direct phone number and email address. If you need to contact your broker to make a change to your policy or to file a claim, you’ll have direct access to them.

Again, you – the consumer – have never been more empowered than now, the digital age of insurance. The ability to get multiple quotes, in a short amount of time, at whatever time conveniences you, means it has never been easier to have peace of mind purchasing home or auto insurance.

Don’t believe us?! Take 5-10 minutes, whenever you want, wherever you want and find out for yourself.

Find the best insurance rates today.


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