For vehicle owners, auto insurance is one of those pesky expenses that never disappears. While many see it as an expense that is continually on the rise, there are ways to help yourself save money on your car insurance policy. For example, if you happen to live in Barrie, you can get a feel for what kind of quote you can get for car insurance in Barrie.
Have good credit
In Canada, a credit score of 650 and above can save you 25-40% above and beyond on your auto policy price. Insurance providers look fondly on those with good credit because those with good credit run minimal risk of non-payment. In turn, if you’re looking to build your credit history, paying your car insurance policy by monthly withdrawals – and never faulting on it – will increase your credit score.
Be accident-free for six years & ticket free for three years
There is no better way to show you’re a good driver than by actually being a good driver. The better driver – record wise – you are, the more comfortable insurance companies are with taking you under their wing. If you’ve gone six years claim-free and three years ticket-free, it’s in your best interest to shop around and see who will recognize the change in your driving habits and allow you to lower your insurance premiums.
Take driver training (for teenagers)
A certified driver course can save a 16-19-year-old driver up to 30% on their auto insurance rate. One of the reasons new/young drivers face such high car insurance rates is because they don’t have a history – there’s a lot of unknown surrounding them, due to their inexperience. Depending on the insurance provider, taking and passing a driver course is equivalent to 2-3 years of clean driving experience.
Use winter tires (in season)
It is recommended that winter tires be used from October 1 through March 31 in Canada (some provinces require their use by law). Winter tires possess a compound that allows the rubber to grip in freezing temperatures – a trait not associated with all-season or summer tires. The treads are also tailored to operate in snow and/slush. In treacherous conditions, tires can play an influential role in the safety of you and your vehicle. Depending on the province you live in, having winter tires will qualify you for an insurance discount. Even if insurance companies don’t offer a discount in your province, it is still in your best interest to be prepared for the elements by having winter tires on your vehicle. Read also what gadgets can help you save on car insurance.
Be a professional
This one is a bit ironic. Some professions can help you save up to an additional 15% on your car insurance policy. Professions include being a doctor, lawyer, accountant or engineer. Traditionally, these are some of the higher earning career fields. Regardless of what you earn, if you can save 15% you might as well take advantage of it.
The kicker
Not all companies will offer all of the above discounts. One company will offer one thing, but not another. It really boils down to the success/failure they’ve had of insuring that specific demographic of drivers. By getting your insurance through Surex – Canada’s fastest growing online insurance provider – you save yourself the time and the hassle of calling multiple insurance companies to find the provider that best matches your situation and needs. Also, you can read up about moving to another province car insurance rules.
Surex is a Canada-wide insurance provider. Surex offers auto, home, business, life, travel, farm, ATV/motorcycle, trailer/RV, boat, condo, and tenant insurance. For more information, please visit Surex, call 1-855-MYSUREX (1-855-6978739), ‘Like’ us on Facebook ( or Tweet us @surexinsurance.