No one likes expenses. Insurance is one of those pesky expenses that just happens to make your life far simpler than the alternative of not having it. As the world shifts to a more digital age, getting coverage tailored to your needs - for a price comfortable with your budget - has never been easier. Here are seven reasons to embrace the online brokerage space and say goodbye to the traditional ways of insurance. Our accolades are something that we're proud of as well, as they relate to this topic. Read more information about Surex.
Have you ever needed to get groceries or the mail, yet didn’t want to change out of your pajamas? The beauty of online shopping is it’s 24/7 – and there are no expected dress standards. There is no need to ‘’get up and get ready for the day’’.
Due to work schedules, habits or hobbies, sometimes, it’s just easiest to do your shopping after midnight. While stores have expanded their hours to accommodate those that don’t fit the traditional 9am - 5pm crowd, good luck finding an insurance company willing to take down your information and find an insurance policy for you at 3am when you’re up with a crying child or just home from a late work shift.

With Surex, you can go onto our website - via your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop - put in your information and receive offers, regardless of the time of day you’re looking.
One-Stop Shop
Surex is a ‘’one-stop shop’’ for your insurance needs. Depending on the province you’re in, we provide auto, home, business, life, travel, ATV/motorcycle, farm, boat, condo/tenant and trailer/RV insurance.

Instead of having your boat placed with one company, home with another, car with another, etc., simplify your life by having all your policies through Surex.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have one number to call, or one email address to message, for all those needs?! Thought so.
Multiple Offers
Trying to drive around a city, or take public transport around a city, so you can go to as many insurance agents as possible to get a quote can take a lot of hours. A. LOT. OF. HOURS.
Surex is Canada’s fastest growing online brokerage. As a brokerage, we are partnered with over 10 insurance providers. Our platform (or quote wizard, for lack of a better term) has industry-leading technology that can get you these 10 offers in about five minutes.

If you’re looking for a quote from Aviva, Aviva Elite, Economical, Gore Mutual, Intact Insurance, Peace Hills, Pembridge, RSA Canada, SGI Canada, Travelers, TuGo or Wawanesa, Surex has you covered.
Again, in five minutes, you can do the shopping that may take hours of going office-to-office.
More Discounts
Many companies provide discounts to certain locations or demographics in an effort to earn similar business from potential customers. They do this because they have had success insuring people in that area, or of that age, or of that job, or with that similar insurance history.
Within cities, an insurance provider could be really high – premium wise – when comparing one end of a city to another. The thing is, it’s virtually impossible to know exactly what demographic or location is primed for discounts from each company.
When you take the five minutes to fill out an online quote form on Surex, the information relative to getting a discount will be processed on our platform and include the discounts you are eligible for. In an effort to ensure all your information is correct, a broker will contact you after to verify the accuracy of your quote and price.

The following are some of the discounts available to Surex customers:
- Bundle discount
- Group discount
- Credit discount
- Experienced driver discount
- Short commute discount
- Mature citizen discount
- Hybrid vehicle discount
- Anti-theft discount
- Loyalty discount
- Renewal discount
- Claims-free discount
- New business discount
- Flex discount
- Student discount
- Occupation discount
- Multi-vehicle discount
Bundling Different Companies
Most providers will bundle home and auto insurance policies. In fact, that’s usually a top goal – to get both lines of business. While you can save money bundling, often times there is more money to be saved by using a brokerage. This is where the benefit of partnering with multiple companies, like Surex has done, comes in.
Just because a company offers you the best auto insurance rate, doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be your best home insurance rate, too. It is still possible to save money overall on both, yes, but you could still be leaving savings on the table.

Using a brokerage, such as ourselves, means you can get the best rate for each line of business – even if those rates are from competing companies. It is a lot easier to maximize your bundled savings by using a brokerage, as opposed to just one company.
What is your time worth?
In your spare time, do you really want to be shopping around for insurance?
In a year – when it’s time for your renewal – do you really want to re-shop your policy to find if there’s a better rate available to you?
Do you want to use your spare time worrying about your insurance premiums?

Just a few thoughts to consider. Using Surex allows you the freedom to worry less about your insurance policy and premiums, and gives you more time and money to focus on the things you enjoy.
Best Price
We recently conducted a survey among all our active customers. The #1 reason people joined Surex is our prices. followed by our customer service!
When someone is in the market for a new company, it’s either due to their premiums being too high or the service they received, or lack thereof, from their previous insurance provider being poor. When we can lower someone’s premiums, both of these types of shoppers will join Surex.
How do we know this? Surex has grown 300% since 2013. Allow us five minutes to get you a quote and earn your business. Check also this post about how Surex became a finalist for both the Insurance Industry Employer of Choice Award and the KEAL Technology Award for Digital Innovation at the first annual Insurance Business Awards.