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house temperature winter
Feb 7, 2023
3 min

What is the Ideal House Temperature in Winter?

Whether you’ve lived in Canada for your entire life or have recently moved to our great nation, you’re most likely familiar with the frigid weather that comes with Canadian winters.

In order to keep your family warm and healthy, you should take a moment to learn about the recommended house temperature for winter weather.

Knowing what temperature to set your thermostat in the winter can help you stay cozy and reduces the likelihood of overusing your heating system and unwanted issues like burst pipes.

Continue reading to learn more.

What is the recommended house temperature for winter weather in Canada?

As you may have guessed, you’ll want to set your thermostat at a higher temperature during the winter and at a lower temperature during the summer. Canadian winters can be freezing, after all!

But did you know that the time of day also heavily impacts the ideal home temperature for winter weather?

It’s true!

For the most efficient results, your average home temperature in winter should be warmer throughout the day and cooler during the evening. 

Doing this will help you save a little bit of your hard-earned money and ensure that your family is comfortable, even on the coldest winter days.

What is the ideal daytime home temperature in winter?

The ideal daytime temperature for your home during the winter depends on a handful of factors. 

For instance, are you and your family members home throughout the majority of the day? Or do you spend most of your time away from home (at work, school, social events, etc.)?

If you and your family members work remotely or spend most of your free time at home, the ideal daytime house temperature for winter is 20 to 21 degrees Celsius. Setting your thermostat between 20 and 21 degrees Celsius allows you to stay comfortable while taking care of household tasks without overexerting your home’s heating system.

However, if you and your family members spend most of your time away from home, you can opt for a slightly lower home temperature in winter. Most experts suggest that homeowners who spend most of their time away from home should set their thermostats between 17 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius. Just remember that you’ll need to increase your thermostat settings once you get home!

Additionally, homeowners shouldn’t let their thermostats dip below 16 degrees Celsius in the winter. Allowing your home to get too cold can increase the risk of frozen or burst pipes, which can lead to thousands of dollars worth of water damage.

And depending on the context of the damage, you may or may not be able to rely on your home insurance policy to cover the damages. If your home insurance company does not cover the damages, you’ll have to cover the repair and replacement costs yourself.

Bonus tip — Check out the following link if you’d like to learn how to stop your pipes from freezing in the winter.

Find the best home insurance rates today.


What’s the ideal night time house temperature in winter?

Although you may feel like you need to increase your thermostat settings during the evening, this isn’t necessarily beneficial for your family or wallet.

If you don’t know what temperature to keep your house in winter, you can start by setting your thermostat between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. Although winter nights can feel frigid, there are lots of other ways to keep yourself comfortable, like bundling up under a warm blanket.

For the best results, most experts suggest setting your thermostat to 19 degrees Celsius during the evening and closer to 16 before going to sleep. Doing this will keep your home warm without causing you to overheat while you’re asleep.

However, everyone has unique preferences, so feel free to play around with your thermostat setting until you’ve found the option that suits you best.

All in all, the ideal temperature for your home in winter will depend on the time of day, how much time you spend at home, and of course, your personal preferences.

Do you want to save money on your heating bills this winter? Try out these 5 tips

With natural gas and electricity prices on the rise, Canadian homeowners are starting to pay more and more to heat their homes.

Thankfully, there are lots of things that you can do to stay healthy and warm this winter (without breaking the bank!).

Here’s our list of tips for saving money on your heating expenses while maintaining the ideal temperature in your home:

  • Lower your thermostat by one to two degrees Celsius (during the day).
  • Wearing thick layers of warm clothing is a great way to stay comfortable during a streak of frigid winter weather.
  • Decorate your home with soft, seasonal rugs to keep your feet warm.
  • Inspect your windows and doorways for cracks and openings. Seal the cracks to reduce the chance of drafts and keep your family warm.
  • Get your HVAC system maintained by a trained technician on a regular basis (try to schedule an appointment before winter if possible).

By making use of these tips for obtaining the ideal home temperature in winter in Canada, you can save a significant amount of money on your regular heating expenses, which gives you the ability to spend more money on other important aspects of your life, like home insurance.

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